OBERON Slip Coat

OBERON Slip Coat is water based liquid product specially formulated to leave a thin, temporary non-water resistant film / barrier on cargo hold surfaces. It can be used in cargo holds carrying foodstuff and is safe to the environment and to the personnel handling it, and it will not contaminant the cargo. It is non-corrosive and safe on all coatings

-Water soluble cargo hold barrier / block -- easily removable with water
-Saves cleaning time and cleaning chemicals
-Ideal when cleaning after coal, pet coke and other difficult cargoes
-Completely safe on all coatings
-Prevents even the most difficult cargo to adhere to the coating
-Easy to apply -- easy to remove
-Provides temporary protection against corrosion
-Water based -- free from hydrocarbon solvents

Packaging: 1Ltr, 5ltrs, 10 ltrs